2020 Queen's Ball
King's Home
The King's Home held their third annual 2020 Queen's Ball at The Club. Mothers and sons enjoyed exotic animals from Ed’s Pet World, a North Star Martial Arts live performance, face painting, and cartoon artist. Also, mothers were able to enjoy a silent auction where proceeds went to King's Home.
Sherry Pigford, Mandy Schwarting, Jennifer Hardin, Carlye Dudgeon, Anna Kinman, Carrie Hicks Kelly Connelly, Alex Connelly Edina von Rottenthaler, Mindy Reed, Erica Michel, Melissa BakerEdina von Rottenthaler, Mindy Reed, Anna Ehmke, Melissa Baker Saili Garner, Anderson Garner, Kasey Colvin, John Colvin, Laura Bright, Jack Bright Shelley Gentle, Liz Bolt Becca Hemrick, Ashley McMakin Sally Williams, Allyson LeBeau, Luke LeBeau Christie Battle, Melissa Simmons, Julia Denson, Kelly Connelly, Sandy Dodd Cammie Windley, Grey Sanders Lauren Estes, Lawson Estes Kristi Dudley, Carden Cole, Vinita Yalamanchili Karen Roberson, Griffin Roberson, Rachel Waters, Hampton Waters Rosa Hill, Jade Roshell Anna Powell, Audra Eason, Leah Richards Andrea Newell, Karen Duvdevani, Merritt Parnell, Janet Richey, Krisalyn Riley Crye, Beth Russom, Courtney Kelly Ashley Berkery, Crissi Waters, Sherry Pigford Lindsey Roebuck, Sam Roebuck, Walt Roebuck Christina Powell, Andrew Powell Liz Bolt, Christina Powell Christy Curry, Farrah Mote Mary Frances Graves, Sally Williams, Terri Lynn Wallace, Lindsey Hill, Samantha Ebert Charlotte Russ, Drew Russ Charlotte Russ, Drew Russ, William Russ Rosa Hill, Crissi Waters Katie Merriman, Amy Kirkpatrick Tracy Strickland, Holden Strickland Melissa Roden, Stacey McElrath, Ashley Fava, Tyler Buck, Betsy Bailey, Holland Williams Kandi Franklin, Ashley Wheeler Suzanne Freud, James Freud, Lindley Salmon, Parks Salmon, Jamie Sewell, Thomas Sewell Holt Long, Fleming Long, Jonathan Holt, Becky Holt Smith Bailey, Betsy Bailey Suzanne Roberson, Stacey McElrath, Janie Mac Roe, Summer Summers Dorothy Lyles, Jennifer Dowdle, Daniel Dowdle Lindsey Lutz, Andrea Dawn Elsberry, Landon Elsberry Janet Richey, Audra Eason Jim Medley, Lew Burdette