# What We're Drinking# *Taylor Dye, beverage manager at the PIGGLY WIGGLY IN CRESTLINE, recommends some of her favorite wines.*### Canned wine, spritzers, and tetrapaks are continuing to grow in popularity, and we aren’t complaining.*Canned wines add versatility and ease into bringing your favorite beverage on the go – whether you need it for the beach, camping, or your neighborhood barbeque. Although they range in sizes, the standard 375 ML cans equate to half of a regular bottle, so you’re still getting bang for your buck. They chill more quickly, are lightweight and easier to recycle than glass bottles. What’s not to love?*

## *(left to right)* <<< **Scarpetta Frico Frizzante $2.99** <<< **Social Saké Cocktails $2.99** <<< **Wolffer Dry White Cider $2.99**

## *(left to right)* <<< **Bota Box Dry Rosé Mini $4.99** <<< **Porch Pounder Chardonnay $5.99** <<< **Underwood Rosé $5.99**