You may just see the physical change. But if you go a little deeper, you will see a transformation of the body, mind and the Spirit of God in my life. I believe that the things we go through in life change us, mold us, and grow us for a greater good to change the lives of others in the best way possible. How you may ask? By living as healthy, bold, confident and courageous individuals, so we can walk into our unique calling.

My story begins with growing up very active, trying new things from sports, to acting, to whatever peaked my interest.  Being the youngest out of 3, I did a lot of watching and a lot of learning. Learning how important it is to stay close, no matter the cost. I am blessed to have a wonderful example and foundation set before me from my parents, my grandparents and I believe, generations I never even knew. I learned on both ends, what love really was and how important it is to have a strong foundation in every area of your life to have true success and happiness. My father, Brian Skelton, was the leader of not only our home, but of the city I grew up in and love, Hoover. He was the former mayor, a business man and a city council member. He taught me how to, first hand, whole heartedly lead with strength, courage, confidence and love.

We had a special connection that I will never be able to put into words. I watched how he lived, not only in the public but behind closed doors. He spent every single day living for others. He was truly my best friend. With that mindset of staying focused on others, I watched as it led to him neglecting his own self. Since I can remember, growing up, I watched his health begin to decline from diabetes, then kidney failure, and multiple surgeries. Nobody would ever know the battles he faced because every day he got up with a smile on his face, ready to give.

I remember it like it was yesterday, when he got that dreadful call that it was colon cancer. I started crying and he immediately looked at me with a smile on his face saying, “Baby, it is going to be okay. God’s got me, He’s got us! It’s gonna be alright.” Throughout that time I experienced a lot of loss; all of my grandparents, my aunt and my uncle died. All of whom I loved so much. I also started to watch addiction come in as it so effortlessly seemed to, and take over one’s life and those around it. My father’s health continued to deteriorate, and he went to be with the Lord in July of 2016.

Even though I told myself, “Oh, it’s fine, I’m strong, it is going to be okay.” In truth, I was not fully understanding and feeling the depth of what had just taken place. I found myself running to anything and everything that would make me happy, and feel better in the moment; from people to food to partying and more. All of this to say, that landed me at 300+ lbs at 15 years of age.

I was having health issues, migraines, pain and mental fogginess. I spent my days going to different doctors searching for answers, but deep down I knew it all began in my heart. Once I was real with myself, I realized not only did I have dreams to achieve, but I had another soldier in heaven watching over me. Guiding me. Cheering me on, and I was determined to make him proud.

After this I was led to a new doctor. She took a look at my bloodwork to see if I had any food sensitivities that could be causing the migraines. I was so confused of correlation between what I ate to how I felt. Well, sure enough gluten seemed to be the #1 inflammatory marker and could be the cause of my headaches.

I went cold turkey and cut gluten. Now let me tell you, that was hard at first. Food was comfort was the diet plan I had lived. If we had veggies, I was picking them out of some wonderful casserole my mom would make, then off to see my friends in the Zaxby’s drive-thru later that night! After going gluten free, within a year, I had lost close to 80 lbs and the migraines were GONE, praise God.

I continued to grow in my faith by having consistent quiet times with the Lord and getting involved in church again at Church of The Highlands. After graduating esthetician school, where I had the opportunity to learn and grow in my passion of medical based esthetics and skin care, problem solving and helping others feel beautiful in their own skin, I was also working on my fitness. On the flip side, seeing changes at such a rapid rate became an idol within itself. I was obsessing over every calorie, every bite of food, every sip I put in my body.

I didn’t realize it, but I was finding my worth in what I looked like, and was doing anything and everything that made that number on the scale go down. Unhealthy extremes took place and I knew I was at another new low that caused me to self-isolate, have poor health and low energy. I started to pray for God to help me. Help me feel worthy enough in who I was, exactly where I was. Thankfully, He pulled me out, and day by day I got better and was brought back into the right mindset of longevity and health. By this point, I was now working at my local gym, getting educated and certified in nutrition and personal training, and my passion was born.

Sure enough, not long after, a door was opened. I found Restore Hyper Wellness– the award winning industry and creator of an innovative new category of care—HYPER WELLNESS! What is Hyper Wellness? Well it involves a system of total balance, energy and proactive healing. It is their belief that this holistic approach to wellness is what is missing from conventional healthcare, which is why they have made it their mission to bring hyper wellness to as many people as possible through their cutting edge modalities and expert guidance, “So you can do more of what you love.” At Restore, I started to learn more how wellness is connected to things such as stress management, energy, sleep, recovery, weight.

I was now down close to 150 lbs and with significant weight loss came loose skin. I was led to go see Dr. Jason Jack at Plastic Surgery Specialist, who I believe is the best plastic surgeon in the area. From his skill, facility, staff, and bed-side manner, Dr. Jack removed the skin on my belly and helped me feel so much more strong and confident, revealing everything that was underneath that I had worked so hard to achieve. If it is going to make you a more confident, healthy version of yourself and love those around you at a greater capacity, why not go for it? We only get one life and you deserve the best one!

A year later, after my recovery, I had goals I was ready to achieve. I completed my first half marathon, grew in my weight lifting and overall gym performance, and I knew the gym had become home for me. It was a place to grow in every area: relationships, the mind, the body and so much more. God brought so many into my life during this time to provide guidance, wisdom, and advice when I needed it most, especially when I was in great need of fatherly figures and counsel. Two of those men being Brandon Cobia and Greg Hasberry who provided so much wisdom and guidance in many areas of life, and it was time to level up my training. You see, this whole time I had been coaching myself.

But if I intended on growing and coaching others in the future, I knew it was time to learn from the best, the one and only, Greg Hasberry with Elite Fitness. He has taught me how to strengthen myself physically with proper diet and exercise. But he also taught me mental strength, and what it takes to be a champion inside and outside of the gym, especially when trauma hits. He taught me that accountability is not only helpful but vital. You have to have those around you that are for you. Those that see your vision, and are actively cheering you on to achieve it. We all need each other.

The door of joy and love had been shown to me through a different lense. The importance of living to the fullest in every moment, how to lead and have vision, actively working towards it, with great passion. I learned to only look forward to the road ahead. Believe the best is yet to come. Be present. And, give your all in every moment because in an instant, everything can change. None of these lessons and life pillars end when the lives of those around us on earth do. When you come out of what you’ve been carried through, it shapes you into all you’ve been created to be, a divine masterpiece!

We have to recognize we’re not our past. We are not defined by our traumas, addictions, hurts, or anything else that may have taken place in the past. But we should learn from them. What is holding you back from stepping into the present moment, to whole heartedly fulfill the calling you have been assigned? You are needed here on this earth. Every single thing you have gone through will not hold you back, but it will prosper you into where you are meant to be—living a life of joy and impact, with a strong, healthy mind, body and spirit. I dare you. Place it in the hands of the One who understands it all, the One who created you with unique intention and design. And watch him turn that pain into purpose. Not only will He turn it, but you will come out with a confidence, a boldness, a healthy state of being. Only He can provide and guide you into. Keep going, don’t give up, press on in love. You got this. Xoxo.