By: Scott Atkinson, Wine Manager at the Piggly Wiggly in Crestline

You know what most folks remember at weddings? They remember the band, the wedding party, the overwhelming sense of joy and maybe the weather. They remember if the food and wine were good, but likely not exactly what the food and wine were. Select something that *you* like. Something that makes sense for your preferences, your cuisine, and your budget.The most important thing about a wedding are the folks getting married. The event is *literally* all about them and their future happiness. Our hope is that anyone who can contribute to this happiness keeps this in mind during the planning process. It is important for the couples getting married to remember this as well.That being established, we will tell you a *dirty little secret*… **nobody remembers the wine at a wedding.** So just get something you like, something that goes with the cuisine, and something that fits your budget. It is all about you anyway! We will get to that shortly. But first… There is only one really important bottle at a wedding. And this is extremely important. Most wedding days include a time where the couple is sequestered before they are introduced at the reception. This is an amazing time. The newlyweds are all on their own, alone, enjoying a little food and wrapping their minds around the fact that they are embark on this wonderful journey together. This moment requires **Champagne**. This moment requires **REAL CHAMPAGNE**. We recommend a 375ml (half bottle) of *Laurent Perrier Brut* for the following reasons:

*There are moments in life that require real Champagne. Cava, Prosecco, and all of the other sparkling wines are nice and all, but newlyweds deserve to enjoy great sparkling wine at this moment*.
*A half-bottle is perfect. Just a touch to take the edge off, but not so much as to risk acting too tipsy at the beginning of the reception*.
*Laurent-Perrier is a something that you can easily find in the future. Make certain that this Champagne is something that will be around for your 1st, 15th, and 50th wedding anniversaries*.

We have the *Laurent-Perrier* for about $25 a bottle. It is not too crazy expensive, but worth it on one of the most important days of your life.We can go over options with you when you come see us at the store. We can help you estimate how much wine and beer you need for your wedding. Most importantly, we can wish you well as you look forward to a future of wedded bliss!-**Scott, Jerome, Thomas, Lillian, and all of us at Piggly Wiggly**
