by Christen Bond, a top producer at Ray & Poynor in quarter four of 2022

Here are seven ways to lift your spirits at home every single day:

1) All things greenery. Begin with weed control. Those pesky intruders distract from the pleasure of a beautiful lawn. Call Heritage Lawn and Tree Care to eliminate every single one of them. Begin now for better results. ***The recent cold snap has shocked a lot of evergreens including tea olives and jasmine. Do not trim any of these until you see which ones grow back this spring.***

2) Front door magic. Are you familiar with first impressions? Of course you are! Coming home to a clean, freshly painted front door will boost your mood after a long day at work.

3) Lighting is EVERYTHING. Clean your windows inside and out. Dust your interior shutters or blinds, open them up, and let the sunshine in! Pro-tip: change all your light bulbs to soft white then let them shine for instant happiness.

4) Designate a bar station for coming home, for entertaining, for a pleasant aesthetic, and always have a cold bottle of champagne in the wine cooler. The power of preparation is real and satisfying.

5) Deep clean. Sponge your baseboards and cabinets. Clean inside your refrigerator and light fixtures. Vacuum underneath sofas, cushions, and chairs. This will reduce odors and please the eye.

6) Stage your space. With simple shifts your home can look like the new listings online. Bring in white linens: duvet covers, pillows, and towels. Buy a new throw and update your sofa pillows or lamps. Re-arrange your current furniture, style your bookcases, and organize inside your cabinets. A little refreshing feels relaxing.

7) Color coordinate your closets. Organization reduces stress each time you change clothes or shoes, and again when you put them away.

Bonus:  Buy yourself a plant. Taking care of something provides a sense of accomplishment while boosting your confidence. If plants intimidate you, stop by Oak Street Garden Shop in Crestline where they will guide you to the appropriate plant for your environment and teach you how to care for it. With a few reminders on your phone, the plant will thrive!

These tips also apply to getting your home market-ready. Are you thinking about selling? When you list with me I am full-service broker: REALTOR® + project manager. With a list of vendors and a tried-and-true method, I will be with you every step of the way pre-listing to the closing table.

It’s never too early to have a conversation. Call, text or email me today (205) 612-9432 or