Did you gain weight, loose weight, or stay the same?
Gain: 37.69%
Loose: 21.54%
Same: 40.77%
On Zoom call, what percent of the time did you look at yourself?
90+%: 18.46%
50%: 33.08%
25%: 29.23%
Never: 19.23%
How much more did you spend on groceries?
10%: 13.85%
25%: 32.31%
50%: 38.46%
100%: 15.38%
Did you drink more, less, or the same?
More: 56.15%
Less: 16.92%
Same: 26.92%
How many TV shows did you binge?
0: 20%
2-4: 56.15%
5-10: 15.38%
10+: 8.46%
What did you do about your hair?
Not cut it: 79.84%
Cut it yourself: 10.08%
Have a friend cut it: 10.08%
How did you feel about E-Learning?
Just as good as regular school: 8%
Not quite as good as regular school: 27.20%
Just helped the kids not fall behind: 36.80%
Was a joke: 28%
Did you buy anything you may not normally have bought?
Exercise equipment: 13.18%
Something significant for the yard: 27.91%
Furniture/decor: 24.81%
I did not buy anything: 44.96%
What regular hygiene practice did you do significantly less?
Wash hair: 40.98%
Brush teeth: 9.02%
Use deodorant: 11.48%
Shave: 40.98%
All of the above: 18.03%
Moving forward in the future, will you shake hands/hug more, less, or the same?
More: 4.62%
Less: 59.23%
Same: 36.15%
Emily Pickens
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